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What Is Cloud Provisioning?

April 29, 2024
Clouds start up. Actually, cloud computing services are usually said to ‘spin up’ into life. It’s a sort of emotive way of saying that the technology is ready to use, while also making reference to the fact that somewhere in a datacenter, on some distant server rack, a hard disk has been spun up into life to serve and deliver a cloud instance.
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How to Get Platform Engineering Just Right

February 03, 2024
If you want your organization to start moving toward a more efficient and streamlined digital transformation, platform engineering is the only way to go. However, without a defined roadmap, most organizations will pretty quickly feel like they’ve wandered into the tech wilderness without a GPS.
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The 13 Types of Ops

August 31, 2023
Operations was unloved. In the world of software application development and enterprise technology management, no system runs reliably without a solid engineering support function and service layer - in most cases we call that entity the operations team.
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How Platform Engineering Can Drive Digital Sobriety

August 29, 2023
If we’re being honest, the “green issue” currently isn’t the priority it needs to be for a lot of companies. At best, they are ticking the box marked ‘sustainability’ and paying lip service to a trendy topic. At worst, they are engaging in nothing more than greenwashing.
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Cycloid unveils new GreenOps cloud carbon footprint tool

February 01, 2023
Platform engineering company Cycloid has unveiled Cloud Carbon Footprint, a new GreenOps tool that accurately displays deployed cloud carbon footprint data alongside cloud costs. Embedded within Cycloid's FinOps Cloud Cost Management module, Cloud Carbon Footprint has been developed to encourage a culture of sobriety that flows through an organisation from the bottom-up, enabling smarter, more environmentally conscious cloud consumption decisions at every level of a business.
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How Connected Technologies Can Help The World Decarbonise

January 12, 2023
When it comes to tackling the climate crisis, the chances are that the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and cloud-based technology is not top of everyone’s agenda. Truth be told, they might not even be third or fourth, but connected technologies are playing an increasing role in our lives, and in ways that many of us may not realise.
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Catching the Cloud Drift

October 13, 2022
Cloud computing has become the cornerstone for businesses looking to scale infrastructure up or down quickly according to their needs with a lower total cost of ownership. But far from simplifying the IT executive's life, the expanded use of the cloud is introducing a whole new level of concept and complexity.
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DevOps and Hybrid Cloud: Life in the Fast Lane, Part Two

September 19, 2022
In the early years of cloud computing, cost savings were the major driver of adoption. These days, however, organizations are increasingly faced with spiraling expenditures, waste and a lack of control. As cloud usage bills and inefficiencies start to balloon, these challenges are beginning to undermine the benefits of migrating in the first place.
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How Continuous Upskilling Can Solve the DevOps Talent Shortage

August 02, 2022
We all know by now that digital disruption is the top business priority, followed closely by the need to identify the right talent to execute this transformation. The problem is that pinpointing gaps within an organization and acquiring people with the skills to drive a digital revolution is difficult. And ongoing labor shortages, the impact of automation on job roles, and continuously evolving technology doesn't make it any easier.
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DevOps and Hybrid Cloud: Life in the Fast Lane?

May 23, 2022

Scream if you want to go faster! When it comes to a dual hybrid-cloud-and-DevOps rollout, most organizations would admit they’re eager to get going a little bit faster. But what started so enthusiastically can turn to frustration (and a different kind of screaming starts) when they’ve accelerated into this major transformation without considering all the necessary elements.

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Bridging the Developer Experience (DevX) Gap

January 04, 2022
They say our past experiences have an impact on how we view life and our general outlook. Routine behaviours and patterns become a program that we follow day in, day out. We stop using our minds to their fullest potential and become trapped in unquestioning, continual cycles of process and emotion.
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JDN - Cycloid : un framework DevOps de bout en bout

February 28, 2020
Cycloid, qu’est-ce que c’est ? Le framework DevOps de Cycloid est taillé pour gérer l'intégralité du cycle de vie d'une application quel que soit le cloud sur laquelle elle est déployée, de sa programmation jusqu'à la gestion de ses différentes versions en passant par sa mise en production.
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Cycloid annonce l’intégration dans son Cloud designer StackCraft de Flexible Engine d’Orange Business Services

January 30, 2020
Paris, le 14 janvier 2020 - Cycloid annonce l’intégration de Flexible Engine, l’offre de Cloud public d’Orange Business Services basée sur Openstack, dans un de ses modules innovants : StackCraft. Cette solution « Cloud designer » permet de créer un schéma d’architecture Cloud simplement en « glisser-déposer » et de générer l’Infrastructure as Code Terraform à la volée.
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ChannelNews - Le Français Cycloid séduit grands comptes et hébergeurs cloud avec sa plateforme Devops

October 01, 2019

Après quatre ans d’activité, le succès de Cycloid ne se dément pas. Editeur d’une plateforme Devops qui vient bousculer les marchés de l’intégration continue, du PaaS et des solutions de gestion d’infrastructures cloud, Cycloid a fait parler de lui en avril dernier en annonçant la levée de 4,5 M€ de fonds auprès d’Orange Digital Venture et de BPI (sous forme de dette). Objectif affiché : ...


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JDN - Les outils qui se sont imposés dans la chaîne du DevOps

September 06, 2019

Du pilotage des versions applicatives au monitoring en passant par le déploiement continu, tour d'horizon de quelques solutions, toutes open source, pour gérer la chaîne du DevOps. En rapprochant les équipes de développement logiciel, de recette et de production IT, le DevOps répond à l'un des principaux défis de l'économie digitale... 



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JDN - Cycloid, nouveau bras armé du cloud d'Amazon en France

December 19, 2017

La start-up parisienne commercialise une solution conçue pour industrialiser les déploiements et la maintenance d'applications sur Amazon Web Services. Spécialiste du DevOps, Cycloid a bâti une plateforme de déploiement et d'intégration continus taillé pour le cloud d'Amazon. La start-up parisienne a été fondée en avril 2015...



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